
Android Developer | Problem Solver | Web Developer

Projects & Work Experience


I am 3rd year undergraduate student studying Computer Science and Engineering at IIT Mandi.I am passionate about creating integrated software. I just simply love to create Android Applications as well as Games.
I am a developer @ GooglePlay under the name ReactiveApps and launched a few applications recently.
Apart from all this I am quite interested in the field of Cyber Security and already tried hands on a lot of tools like Metasploit,Wireshark etc. Hopefully by now you must have guessed that I am a Kali Linux user :p.
I am also a frequent GitHub user and quite active in forking and submitting pull requests to the various open source projects present out there.

I believe that in order to be a good programmer one should learn the art of reading other people's code because that helps to gain insight into various types of design patterns.I think one should always respect design patterns irrespective of programming language you use.Each programming language has something to offer and if one has knowledge of these design patterns than he/she can actually write beautiful code.
Newton once said that,
"I have seen farther than any other because I sat on shoulder of giants" So to be a good developer one does not need to develop everything from scratch hence its important to give value to the work that people have already done and I have pretty good experience of using third party libraries in android as they ease out a lot of work as well as boost the performance.

Image Compressor

Every developer wants that his product must reach out to the people and for android Google Play store is the online market for android apps.So I registered as a developer and launched my first application named Image Compressor which has current rating of 4.1 and 5 thousand downloads(not bad I think).

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